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- Note:
- The Christian Distribution Network (CDN) (sm) uses basically the same file
- structures as the SDN (by license from the SDN Project). Therefore, this SDN
- document is appropriate for files that you may have received from the CDN. A
- few minor exceptions may be found. For more appropriate information about the
- CDN, refer to the other documents in the CDN_KITx.EXE archive.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- │
- │ SDN Shareware User Kit - Revision #9
- │ Guidelines for User Participation
- │
- │ Fidonet's Author-Direct Shareware Distribution Network
- │
- │ Published from The SDN Project, January 1993
- │ (c)Copyright 1993 Ray Kaliss - The SDN Project
- │
- │
- │
- │
- │
- │
- │
- │
- │ This document is (c)Copyright The SDN Project 1994 and the property
- │ of Ray L. Kaliss as The SDN Project.
- │
- │ This document in not public domain. It is intended as an
- │ informational document for Shareware author's considering
- │ distribution via SDN International. This document may be copied
- │ whole and unmodified for that intent only.
- │
- │ Official SDN International Policy is formulated by The SDN Project
- │ and published at The SDN Project Bulletin Board in Meriden, CT,
- │ U.S.A. 203-634-0370. Policy posted online at The SDN Project
- │ supersedes policy in circulation or of earlier date.
- Copyright
- SDN, The SDN Project, the service mark of SDN International (sm) and
- SDNet and the file extensions of .SDN/SDA as used by The SDN Project
- are (c)Copyright since 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 and 1994 by Ray L.
- Kaliss and can not be used with out express written permission.
- ┌──────────────────────────┐
- ─┘ 1. SDN INTERNATIONAL(sm) └───────────────────────────────
- SDN International is Fidonet's Shareware Distribution Network since
- January 1989. The trusted and respected pipeline to hundreds of
- bulletin boards among Fidonet's 24,000 and growing participating boards
- - SDN files are all author-direct.
- Beyond that - SDN distributes through satellite, Internet and online
- services such as BIX and is always open to other avenues.
- SDN reaches all of North America and into Europe such as Switzerland,
- Denmark, Germany and further. SDN is imported into the United Kingdom,
- Australia, Israel, Puerto Rico and many other countries.
- Software distributed by SDN is Shareware for Intel based computers,
- usually called 'IBM' or 'MSDOS compatible'. United States Copyright
- laws defines shareware as 'Try before you buy'. When you obtain files
- by SDN distribution you should read the copyright and license of the
- program you have obtained to learn the author's terms of your use of
- the author's product. Shareware is a distribution method and you are
- expected to use the product for a limited time, set by the authors
- terms, and pay the authors asking registration price if you decide you
- would like to use the product longer.
- ┌───────────────────────┐
- ─┘ 2. WHAT ARE SDN FILES └──────────────────────────────────
- SDN files are shareware author's programs that have been sent to SDN
- International for processing and distribution to bulletin boards and
- online services. Each .SDN file is a compression of individual program
- files into one file (.SDN) for easy downloading.
- As an example, you might see this type of listing on the BBS you log
- into.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3MENU10.SDN 112987 02/15/93 Three-Menu 1.0 easy DOS menu system
- MYED410.SDN 648833 02/15/93 My Editor 4.10 programmers text editor
- OLCOM51.SDN 1290000 02/19/93 ON-Line COM 5.1 full featured terminal
- Each .SDN extension file contains an author's complete program in
- compressed form. When you download one .SDN file you have the complete
- program ready to be un-packaged. The file is named to reflect the
- program and version number it contains.
- SDN files, before the release of ARJ v2.41, could be decompressed with
- NoGate Consulting's PAK compression utility. .SDN files since 1993 can
- be decompressed using the ARJ 2.41 compression utility or a newer
- version. The compression utility named ARJ241.EXE can be found for
- downloading on most of the better bulletin boards where .SDN's are
- posted.
- Each .SDN file can be verified for authenticity. It has been secured
- with two tamper-proof seals. The first seal can be tested with the
- ARJ.EXE test feature.
- If it has verified you will see this banner on screen.
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ *** Valid ARJ-SECURITY envelope signature: │
- │ *** SDN International(sm) SDN#01 R#2417 │
- │ │
- │ This file is an SDN International(sm) Author-Direct Distribution. │
- │ It should be verified for the SDN Security Seal by the FileTest │
- │ utility available at The SDN Project AuthorLine BBS 203-634-0370. │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- The second seal can be tested with the FileTest utility by PaceSoft
- posted at The SDN Project BBS and most BBS'es where you find .SDN
- files. If it passes both test you can be assured it is a genuine
- author-direct SDN distribution with contents exactly as the author
- intended.
- If the .SDN file also passes FileTest testing.. you can feel safe to
- decompress and use the packaged program files. Decompress like this..
- You may find that on some BBS'es the .SDN files may have been renamed
- in extension from .SDN to .ARJ (MYED50.ARJ) .. if this has been done
- the SDN security may still exists, ARJ will test the seal and verify
- it. FileTest may also be used.
- ┌───────────────────────┐
- ─┘ 3. WHAT ARE SDA FILES └──────────────────────────────────
- Inside every .SDN there is a pure ASCII text file that you can read to
- get a description of the program. The files name is {SDA.ID}.
- XMENU EXE 60123 12-11-93 7:44p
- XMENU DOC 123564 12-13-93 12:00p
- MENUAPP1 DAT 2345 10-01-93 10:00a
- --> {SDA ID} 1200 10-12-93 1:00p
- UTILONE EXE 47567 2-04-93 2:00p
- On most BBS'es where you can find .SDN files you may also find a
- message area in the message base where copies of each program's SDA are
- posted. This makes for easy browsing of all the .SDN programs posted
- at the BBS. What's neat about this is most BBS'es save your place in
- the message base when you leave it.. so the next time you login - the
- messages in that area that you have not read yet are all new arrivals
- since the last time you were on.
- ┌────────────────────┐
- ─┘ 4. READING THE SDA └─────────────────────────────────────
- Most of the SDA is a description of the program and it's features. The
- top lines however can give you some quick information.
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ X-Menu 2.1 fast GUI menu system for DOS uses popup menues and mouse│
- │ FILES: xmenu21a.SDN xmenu21b.sdn │
- │ │
- │ Author: X-Software Inc. │
- │ Registration: $50.00 │
- │ │
- │ A superVGA menu system that uses icons you create. │
- │ Fantastic for the novice or the advanced power user. Menu pages │
- │ can be stacked 100 deep. Programmable using script langu... │
- │ etc.. etc.. etc..
- │
- The first line tells the name of the program and it's version number
- (X-Menu version 2.1 in our example). An author will usually initially
- release the program at version 1.00 and increment the version number
- each time he makes an improvement, a fix, or adds features. In general
- the higher the version number the more recent the release.
- The second line starts off with the distribution category. In this
- case it is a DOS character based utility (DOS based utilities are
- areatag 1-UTIL) and you may find the bulletin board has posted it in
- the 1-UTIL File area. The next words are keywords. The first keyword
- is the month/year this program was distributed by SDN (January 1993),
- the keyword on this line are related to features and uses of the
- program.
- The next line is the FILES: line. This gives the posted name of the
- archive or archives you need to download to obtain this program. In
- this case you must be sure to download XMENU21A.SDN and XMENU21B.SDN to
- obtain the entire program as it comes in two parts.
- Next it tells who the author is and the program registration amount.
- Read all the documentation included with the program to determine the
- full registration requirements.
- ┌───────────────┐
- ─┘ 5. LAST WORDS └──────────────────────────────────────────
- Shareware is not free, it is 'Try before you buy'. This means you are
- free to try the program and it's features out for a set period of time.
- Read the author's information to find out how long. It is usually
- about 30 days. If, after that time, you wish to continue using the
- software - then you are bound to send the author the required
- registration fee. SDN does not assist in registering software ..
- contact the author directly.
- /eof